Embedding Information Literacy into a Visual Literacy Course


This poster will highlight activities used to teach visual and information literacy outcomes in a freshman-level course, Visual Literacy for Life and Learning, offered by the Adult Learning & Technology (ALT) Department at the University of Wyoming. ALT faculty and librarians have collaborated on the course since 2003. Course outcomes include identifying a research question regarding the role of visuals in society, locating images in print or online resources, interpreting and evaluating messages in images, and using visual literacy principles and technology to communicate effectively with images. The librarian and course instructor co-teach three or four sessions in the library, where they guide students in finding and accessing materials. They also facilitate discussions about ethical and legal issues associated with acquiring and using borrowed text and images. As a result of the course, students report increased sensitivity to visuals surrounding them.

Learning Outcomes:

  • recognize relationships and differences between visual literacy and ACRL information literacy standards

  • outline benefits and challenges associated with integrating information literacy into a visual literacy course

  • generate ideas for addressing today’s increasingly visual culture, including visual literacy, in library collections and services
  • Presenters:

    Cheryl Goldenstein
    Assistant Librarian, Reference & Instruction
    University of Wyoming Libraries

    Dr. Steven Aagard
    Associate Lecturer, Adult Learning & Technology
    University of Wyoming



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